Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A quick note of thanks...

There is something so special about sharing in the ups and downs of pregnancy/childbirth/parenting with your closest friends.

There is something even more wonderful about friends who have gone before you and share their knowledge, including their insecurities and fears, as they go along. So, just about that time where you're really wondering if you should be committed to the loony bin, that friend comes along side of you and laughs and says "oh yeah, me too." There is such comfort there - in the knowing that you aren't crazy...or perhaps aren't alone in the act of being crazy...

And the most fun of it all, is when one of those friends come out to visit and all they do is just love on your kiddo. Without comparison to their own, with no judgement, no qualifying statements...they just come along side of you and love your kid unconditionally, because that's the way they love you. I'm so lucky because one such wonderful friend came out for a visit and did just that!

Thank you, May - thanks for the visit, the mornings over coffee, the time out, the stuffed bear (Go, Ducks!), for loving so much on my boy...But most of all - thank you for all your support of the mother I am becoming.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Jumping in...

To say hello!

This is what we're up to these days...well that and lots of other things that include movement of some sort. We're either moving or eating. Oh, and as evidenced above - laughing. Kiddo's got a great sense of humor;) He laughs and yells while laughing.

And while the picture above is a little blurry, it couldn't capture Tobin more perfectly - full of excitement and missing a sock:) Always missing a sock (or socks for that matter!)...any tricks for socks that stay on? I don't believe they exist...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Of course...

There are days that I feel are very indicative of my life...this morning for example when I was walking from my office to get my tea and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the back of my door (you know the one responsible for all those phone pregnancy pics? yeah, that one.) Anyhow, thank heavens for that mirror because this is what I saw:

Yes, I am trying to draw your attention to the dark spot that would be hovering on my shirt around my nipple area. It's yelling, "Look at me!" My first thought was, "Oh my gosh, my nipple is bleeding!" Standard reaction, no? After pregnancy and breastfeeding I have come to realize my nipples are agents of their own accord and they are not to be trusted - so this really did seem like a plausible option. But I came to my sense and went in for a closer look, nope - everything was good. What was that spot??? I looked in the pocket of my shirt - what the?? Chocolate?!?!

You guys - I ate a banana chocolate chip muffin and in true lady-like fashion I must have had crumbs drop on my shirt, and one such crumb was a sole chocolate chip. That little chocolate chip found a home in my pocket and thanks to the heat I naturally radiate - started to melt!

I nearly died laughing. All by myself. In my office.

So I did what anyone would naturally do - I took a picture so I could share it with you. Aren't you happy?

Moral of the story - nipples and banana muffins are never to be trusted, particularly if chocolate is involved.

Sincerely yours,

The Dirty Nip