Yes, that's right, SNOWING!!!!! I literally just turned on the "yule log DVD with Celine Dion Christmas" and walked back into the kitchen and it was SNOWING.
Then I did the following:
1. Started crying. Yup. Involuntarily cried like a baby because it was snowing.
Kelley like some freak (I realize now it was FAR too early to do that...sorry, Kel!) and then called my Dad. SOMEONE had to share in my excitement, right???
3. Decided I needed to tell all my friends about it - So here I am!
Oh and I am still possibly wiping tears away like a fool. Can I just tell you how much I love Christmas??? and Winter??? and the fact that I'm in a place that has Winter??? It's like I'm the Grinch right now when his heart grows all big and fat - and I love it and I just had to share:)
Alright, that's the news here this morning, I'm going to go make a wreath!
Happy Holidays!!!!!!
p.s. Yes, I actually have a DVD that plays so as to make your tv screen appear like a "yule log" is roasting in a fireplace while playing the entire collection of Celine Dion's "This Christmas." It is BRILLIANT. Don't hate - My mom bought it for me;)
p.p.s. Maybe between points 1 and 2 above I skipped around the entire bottom floor of my house, just maybe...